Legal notice

General conditions of use and privacy policy

Identification of the company

The information contained on this official website refers to Grupo Catalana Occidente S.A. (hereinafter, GCO), with NIF (Tax ID No.) A-08168064 with registered offices at Paseo de la Castellana 4, 28046 Madrid, registered in the Commerical Registry of Madrid, in volume 36,829, page M-659,287. 

Purpose of the website

The purpose of the pages that comprise this official website is to facilitate general public knowledge regarding GCO, the activities that it carries out and the services that it provides. GCO reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify the information contained in its website or to modify its configuration and presentation.

Protection of personal data

The complete information regarding the regulation on data protection is published on this official website, specifically in the specific section on "Privacy Policy" located next to this Legal Notice.

Conditions of access to the website and availability

Access to the general contents of this website is free for all users, and does not require prior user subscription or registration. This service is available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, with the exception of any interruptions required for system maintenance or improvements.

Notwithstanding the previous indications, the operation regarding the sections on 'Restricted Access' is subject to the company's own particular conditions, which, on a case-by-case basis, may replace, complete and/or modify these general conditions. These particular conditions will be laid out in the agreement to access each service, which is delivered to the customer prior to its activation. The user is informed that when s/he clicks on links that redirect to the websites of third-party companies, s/he is no longer browsing the GCO website, thus exonerating GCO from any responsibility, damages or losses when contracting with third-party companies or from the information that may be provided by them. The user is no longer browsing the GCO website when the GCO trademark does not appear on the website that s/he has been linked to, and when the address or domain name does not contain the name 'GCO'.

Exoneration of responsibilities

When browsing this official website, the user exonerates GCO in the following cases:

Due to improper use : When accessing this website, you accept that GCO will not be responsible for any consequences, damage or loss that may be derived from the improper use of the information on said website, or the improper access to other online materials via links with this website. Due to third-party content: The website may contain hypertext links redirected to other pages on the world wide web, which are completely independent of this official website. GCO will not respond or guarantee, in any way, the accuracy, insufficiency or authenticity of information supplied by these third parties, either any person, or physical or legal entity, with or without its own legal personality, via other hypertext links. Due to external or own technological failures: GCO will not be responsible: (i) for any damage or losses that may be derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone malfunctions or disconnections in the operational performance of the selected system (telephone network, internet, etc.), which occur due to causes beyond the control of GCO, (ii) for delays or blocks in using the selected system caused by deficiencies or the overloading of telephone lines, or overloads in the company's Data Processing Centre, in the online system or in any other electronic systems, (iii) for damage that may be caused by third parties through unlawful interference in the selected system, beyond the control of GCO. Furthermore, GCO will be exonerated from any responsibility in the event of any damage or losses that the user may suffer as a consequence of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by GCO, provided that such information comes from third-party sources.

Intellectual property

The copyright for the material contained in this website is property of GCO, except in cases where such material belongs to collaborating companies with which the corresponding agreement has been signed. Free access to the content on this website does not implicate any other rights or licences for reproduction and/or distribution without the express authorisation of GCO. The trademarks, logos, designs, images, maps, banners, content, software and its various source codes, and the purpose and other integral elements of this website, are protected by industrial and intellectual property laws and international treaties. The unauthorised reproduction, distribution, manipulation or disassembly of the source code, the incorporated algorithms or the databases, in whole or in part, will give way to serious penalties, both civil and penal, and will be dealt with in as many legal proceedings as is relevant according to law. As for designs and graphics that appear on this website and which are owned by companies or entities that collaborate with GCO, these conditions and the protection in place will also be applicable, unless the express, written consent of such companies or entities has been provided.

LSSICE: Law on Information Society Services and E-Commerce

GCO undertakes to comply with the obligations derived from Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce. In accordance with the indications of article 10 in the aforementioned law, we hereby inform you that the complete identification details of GCO are detailed in the first section of this Legal Notice on "Company Identification".

The domain name has been registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid in the company's record. To contact GCO, the website offers you different contact channels.

Average supplier payment period, monetary volume and the number of invoices paid in a period of less than the maximum established in the legislation on late payment

In accordance with the provisions set forth in the Additional Provision 3 of Law 15/2010, of 5 July, modifying Law 3/2004, of 29 December, in which measures are established for combating late payment in commercial transactions; the Company has an average payment period to its suppliers of 36.06 days; the monetary volume and the number of invoices paid in a period of less than the maximum established in the legislation on late payment is €9,856,000 and 985, respectively; And the percentages that they represent on the total number of invoices and on the total monetary amount of payments to their suppliers of 86.48% and 93.47%, respectively.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

For any litigious matter arising from the existence, access, use or content of these general conditions or the content of the website, both the user and the Entity expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the User’s domicile. In the event that the User is domiciled outside of Spain, the Entity and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the registered office of the Entity.