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NorteHispana Seguros offers an optional rehabilitation and physiotherapy service as part of its Temporary Disability Insurance

"The company provides its policyholders with a guarantee that covers reimbursement for physiotherapy and rehabilitation sessions."

NorteHispana Seguros has extended its Temporary Disability Insurance by including new optional services aimed at aiding its customers' recovery. The purpose of this product is to indemnify insured customers if they suffer an illness or injury that prevents them from carrying out their work or professional activity, and it now covers the reimbursement of rehabilitation and physiotherapy expenses arising from an incident guaranteed by the main coverage.

Customers that suffer an accident, injury or illness involving a compensation period exceeding ten days can thus receive 25% of the compensation payable according to the Temporary Disability Insurance guarantees. This will be based on a scale previously established by the insurance company, with a maximum amount of 500 euros and 10 sessions.

Although NorteHispana Seguros' Temporary Disability Insurance is designed primarily for self-employed workers, it can also be taken out by people who work as employees or are employed by means of another type of contract.

Payment protection for self-employed workers

This product also includes another optional cover that protects self-employed workers suffering an illness or injury by guaranteeing payment of their Social Security contribution to the Special Self-employed Workers Scheme (RETA) or the mutual society replacing it in the event of compensation for temporary disability.

To take out this guarantee, the customer must have been registered as self-employed for a minimum period of 6 months and must provide a document justifying the payment of the last Social Security contribution. The maximum annual limit for compensation is 900 euros, split into a maximum of 3 payments with a 300 euro limit for each, based on the number of days' compensation provided by the main cover or the actual number of days of sick leave.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes