Plus Ultra Seguros signs a collaboration agreement with Grupo Intercor
7/18/18 | Plus Ultra Seguros

"The agreement aims to reinforce the role of the insurance broker, increase professional performance and offer Plus Ultra Seguros products and services to clients of Grupo Intercor."
Plus Ultra Seguros and the Insurance Brokers and Agents Association of Grupo Intercor have signed a collaboration agreement to optimise business strategies and market Plus Ultra Seguros products for the clients of Grupo Intercor.
With the aim of strengthening institutional and business relations between the two companies, the agreement was signed in León by the chairman of Group Intercor, Miguel Antonio Álvarez, and the northern region director of Plus Ultra Seguros, Juan Carlos Delgado.
The chairman of Grupo Intercor underlined the importance of the agreement, thanks to which "our associated companies can offer their clients top quality products and the best possible services", representing "an added value that deepens our relationship with our clients." He also stated that the agreement with Plus Ultra Seguros "reinforces the role of the association as a guarantee of the future of the professional insurance broker."
The northern region director of Plus Ultra Seguros stated that the collaboration with Grupo Intercor consolidates the company's commitment with the network of insurance brokers and agents belonging to the association and located in Castilla-Leon and la Rioja. Likewise, Delgado emphasised the capacity of Plus Ultra Seguros to provide Grupo Intercor with “the best insurance solutions”.
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Jone Paredes