Press room

Seguros Bilbao launches its new ISP, IPP and Savings Plan with great benefits as a way of rewarding customer loyalty

"The company has launched the new PIAS Confianza, PPA Confianza and Plan de Ahorro Confianza (SIALP) savings products, which now include a series of benefits linked to the customers' permanency and provide a return in accordance with the interest rates prevailing at any given time."

Seguros Bilbao's new products have been designed to make long-term savings more flexible and reward the most loyal customers. PIAS Confianza, PPA Confianza and Plan de Ahorro Confianza (SIALP) include a permanence bonus aimed at providing more value to the funds accumulated in a policy, and it is particularly attractive to those who hold any of these products for over 10 years.  

In addition, the performance of these three products is linked to the evolution of the interest rates and, therefore, if these rise so does their return. The company's customers may transfer their savings from one product to another while maintaining their accrued rights without being subject to any penalty.

They also permit each customer to make the contributions they desire according to their needs, including the possibility of paying them in monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually. Another significant feature of these products is that the contributions made are even guaranteed in a scenario of negative interest rates, in such a way that the saver is protected from the risk of capital loss. They also include an additional capital as a guarantee in the event of the customer passing away. 

By means of PIAS Confianza, PPA Confianza and Plan de Ahorro Confianza (SIALP), Seguros Bilbao improves its offer, making it more competitive, transparent and flexible, with the aim of adjusting to the needs of its customers and being able to provide them with personalised advice.
Asimismo, la rentabilidad de estos tres productos va ligada a la evolución de los tipos de interés y, por tanto, si estos suben aumentará su rendimiento. Los clientes de la compañía también podrán traspasar sus ahorros de un producto a otro manteniendo los derechos acumulados y sin penalizaciones.

Además, permiten que las contribuciones se puedan realizar en función de las necesidades de cada cliente, con formas de pago mensuales, bimestrales, trimestrales, semestrales o anuales. Otra de las características más destacadas es que las primas aportadas están garantizas incluso cuando los tipos de interés se encuentren en negativo, de tal forma que el ahorrador no tiene riesgo de pérdida del capital. También, incluyen como garantía un capital adicional al ahorro en caso de fallecimiento. 

Con PIAS Confianza, PPA Confianza y Plan de Ahorro Confianza (SIALP) Seguros Bilbao refuerza su oferta para hacerla más competitiva, transparente y flexible con el objetivo de adaptarse a las necesidades de sus clientes y ofrecerles un asesoramiento personalizado. 

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes