Corporate responsibility

Grupo Catalana Occidente Corporate Responsibility

GCO integrates acts of corporate responsibility into its business strategy, focusing on transparent and responsible management

For GCO, corporate responsibility means voluntary commitment to the integration of responsible management in economic, social and environmental aspects, promoting ethical behaviour with its stakeholders, rigorously applying the principles of good governance and contributing to the well-being of society through the creation of sustainable social value.

The social value is the result of focusing its activity not only on obtaining good financial results but also on promoting the well-being of the stakeholders that form part of the group and to whom GCO's companies respond. This value becomes sustainable when it is integrated not only in the short, but also in the medium and long term.

GCO's companies contribute to the social and economic improvement of the areas where it operates through the development of its business. The very nature of the insurance business involves the concept of social responsibility because it consists of accompanying its customers at all times of their professional and personal lives, anticipating risks in order to protect them.

Climate change

Contribution to society and local communities

Business ethics and conduct

Employee health and well-being

Service quality and customer satisfaction

Data privacy

Talent management, professional development and training

Responsible management of products and services


Diversity, equality and inclusion

Sustainable investment

Responsible governance

Employment conditions

Managing the relationship with suppliers and partners

Social and environmental scope of Grupo Catalana Occidente

Social and environmental structure

The material issues in GCO are economic, environmental and social issues that are considered significant for sustainability. These matters influence the decision-making of stakeholders and constitute the basis on which the Corporate Responsibility Plan has been defined, its initiatives being grouped around three fundamental core ideas: trust, excellent service and positive impact.

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Fundación Occident

Fundación Occident supports initiatives in the fields of research, business and education, social action, sport and the promotion of art and culture.