Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros signs a collaboration agreement with the Almería Association of Insurance Brokers

"Both organisations will work on reinforcing the development of commercial activity among mediators in this province."

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Association of Insurance Brokers of Almería have signed a collaboration agreement to promote several initiatives aimed at promoting the activity of registered mediators in the province. Specifically, some joint actions that will be developed are seminars and conferences that will be aimed at promoting the role of these professionals.

Signature of the agreement took place on the premises of the College in the presence of the chair of the College of Brokers of Almería, Juan Antonio Márquez, the Director of the southern region of Plus Ultra Seguros, José María López and of the manager of the Almería branch, José Manuel Romero.

During the signing, those responsible emphasised the importance of the broker as a figure that provides a professional service close to clients. In this sense, Márquez stated that this agreement means that both companies can “join forces in revitalising and professionalising brokers”. 

Furthermore, López noted that this type of agreements reflect Plus Ultra Seguros' absolute commitment to mediation. “We owe ourselves to our clients but also to our mediators”, asserted Director of the southern region of Plus Ultra Seguros.  In addition, Romero said that the mediation network is a basic pillar in our business model and that is why we bet on these professionals”.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes